Watan - Banner Ad (Spec Ad)


Watan is a restaurant that serves delicious authentic Afghani and Pakistani cuisine on some of London’s busiest high streets. They currently have three branches in Ilford, Tooting and Southall. They are a family-run business and use recipes that have been passed down through the generations. Their customers enjoy great food and a warm and welcoming atmosphere.


Watan wants to increase its presence online so it can stand out from its competitors and attract more customers to its restaurants. Many members of their target audience may never have heard of Watan before, but given the opportunity they would love to try their food. Through this banner ad, Watan wants to increase its fame and entice more people to come and taste its delicious food.


In this three-frame digital banner ad, I tell Watan’s story – a restaurant that serves delicious and authentic food in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. In every frame, I include a unique quality of Watan which captivates the attention of the reader, and a call to action, which makes it easy for the reader to take the next step and make their booking.