Brixton Finishing School - Welcome Email (Spec Ad)



Brixton Finishing School is an award-winning educational institution that provides free courses in marketing, advertising and communications. It equips its students with everything they need to kick-start their careers in the creative industry. It teaches them, helps them to practice what they learn and finds them employment after they graduate. Its target audience consists largely of young people aged 18-30 from underrepresented backgrounds.


A challenge Brixton Finishing School is facing is encouraging its target audience to enrol. Their target audience wants to break into the creative industry but they don’t know how to. They have the potential to become skilled industry professionals but they lack confidence. Many of them don’t have the requisite qualifications or connections to enter this field. They see the creative industry as one that is not inclusive of people from their educational and socioeconomic backgrounds.


This Welcome Sequence consists of four emails, a welcome email, two funnel emails and a final offer email. 


Throughout this sequence, I maintain an inspiring, encouraging, personal and inclusive tone therefore helping the readers to imagine their potential success in this sector. I assure them Brixton Finishing School will be with them for the entire journey, from taking their first lesson to landing their first job.


In the Welcome Email, I share with the reader what Brixton Finishing School is and the amazing value it offers its students. 


In funnels 1 and 2 I do some myth-busting and address some potential objections they may have about pursuing a career in the creative world. I make it clear to them that there are no barriers between themselves and their dreams of being industry professionals. 


In Funnel 2 and in the final offer email, I include some real student testimonials to reinforce how effective Brixton Finishing School is at empowering its students to kick-start their careers in the creative industry.


Throughout the sequence, I hint at a big surprise to come. This ensures the reader is always eagerly awaiting the next email. In the final Offer Email, I reveal the big suprise – their free training video that will help them discover their dream job, and give them exclusive insights into how to excel in the creative industry, whilst teaching them the basics of marketing, advertising and communications.


At the start of this series, the readers will have had some interest in the creative industry but would not have been optimistic about breaking into it. By the end, they are ready to download the free training video and they eagerly anticipate their opportunity to enrol with Brixton Finishing School.